Submission Reminder

Submission Deadline

The deadline for session submissions is only days away. Review the Call for Submissions and make your submission soon. You can run your ideas by the Submission Advice mailing list, but you must hurry for this. The advice list gets very busy as the deadline draws near.

Call for Program Committee

Because CppCon is a community-run conference, we ask members of the community that are experienced C++ programmers to consider joining the CppCon Program Committee.

The PC’s job is to evaluate the hundreds of submissions that we receive for each conference so we can make the best possible program every year. This is a challenging job and requires a time commitment from a lot of very talented people. PC members get the satisfaction of serving the C++ community and the opportunity to “pay forward” the benefits they’ve received from the conference program. They also have the opportunity to keep abreast of interesting trends and developments in C++. Those PC members who would like to present at CppCon or other conferences will discover that reviewing submissions will result in increased skill at creating compelling conference submissions.

Please review the CppCon Program Committee Reviewers’ Guide and contact if you’re interested in joining the committee.

Call for Submission Advisors

If you have experience creating conference presentations or evaluating conference submissions, please consider helping with the CppCon Submission Advice mailing list.

The work of the Submission Advice volunteers is important to getting the best possible program for the conference each year. It particularly important for us to reach our goal of getting new voices and first time presenters to be represented in the program.

Please review the Submission Advice Volunteers’ Guide and contact if you’re interested in volunteering on the Submission Advice mailing list.

Registration for CppCon 2018 is Open

Registration is now open for CppCon 2018 to be held September 23-28, 2018 at the Meydenbauer Center in Bellevue, Washington, USA.

CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. You will enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Seattle neighborhood and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from C++ novices to experts.


What you can expect at CppCon:

CppCon’s goal is to encourage the best use of C++ while preserving the diversity of viewpoints and experiences. The conference is a project of the Standard C++ Foundation, a not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to support the C++ software developer community and promote the understanding and use of modern, standard C++ on all compilers and platforms.

CppCon 2018 Call for Submissions

CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community and so we invite you to present. The conference regular program consists of five days of seven tracks of one hour sessions.

Have you learned something interesting about C++, maybe a new technique possible in C++14/17? Or perhaps you have implemented something cool related to C++, maybe a new C++ library? If so, consider sharing it with other C++ enthusiasts by giving a regular program talk at CppCon 2018.

The submissions deadline is May 11 with decisions sent by July 1.

For topic ideas, possible formats, submission instructions and valuable advice on how to make the best possible submission, see the Submissions page.

Note: Calls for lightning talks and Open Content sessions will be made this summer. The deadline for these is the conference itself.

Inclusiveness, accessibility, and CppCon 2017 videos

CppCon has always aimed to be a welcoming environment for everyone, across the whole diverse worldwide C++ community. We made that a cornerstone of our very first blog post nearly four years ago, and since then we’ve invited speakers from as many industries and personal backgrounds as we could, tried to keep ticket prices affordable (nominal and free for students and volunteers, respectively, to help them attend), rolled out successively more detailed codes of conduct, and at last fall’s event we were excited for the first time to have sessions and events especially geared toward families and kids who are just learning how much fun programming can be… yes, in C++.

We’ve also always professionally recorded all talks and made the videos available to everyone in the world for free, so that as many people as possible can benefit. For CppCon 2017, that meant engaging the pros at Bash Films once again to shoot and produce 137 high-quality videos, which were posted on YouTube within a few weeks after the event.

Today we’re happy to announce that, as in previous years, all CppCon 2017 videos are now available on Channel 9 in addition to YouTube. This makes them available in more geographies where YouTube may not be readily available, and it makes it possible for you to download videos for offline viewing, making them even easier to watch during your commute time or whenever you don’t have a high-bandwidth connection. Thank you again to Google for hosting our videos on YouTube, and to Microsoft for hosting them on Channel 9!

Closed captionedBut this year we’re very pleased to announce something new: Inclusiveness also includes doing what we can to make our content available to those in our C++ community who have disabilities or other barriers to benefiting fully from the recordings. So, for the first time this year, all CppCon 2017 videos are now professionally captioned; the captions are live now on the YouTube videos, and will be available soon also on the Channel 9 videos. We hope that this will help to make the content even more accessible to viewers who are hearing-impaired, and also help non-native English speakers follow the content more easily. Additionally, we hope this will make the job of the all-volunteer C++ Video Access Project effort that much easier, because English language captioning is also the first step to making videos accessible to non-English speakers via captioning in additional languages.

Closed captioning example

You don’t need to buy a CppCon ticket to watch any of the videos. However, if you have attended CppCon in person, let me say a personal thank you: because not only did you get the rich and full community experience that can only be had by being there, but these professionally-edited and -captioned videos are possible because a portion of every CppCon ticket sold goes to funding these for everyone (including for you after you get home, to watch again or to catch the ones you couldn’t attend because we nearly always have 6 or 7 tracks in progress). Thank you for your support.

In a few months, we’ll open registration for CppCon 2018. When we do, I’m pleased that exactly the same words we used in our very first blog post continue to accurately describe our event [emphasis original]:

“CppCon is the annual, week-long face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference is organized by the C++ community for the community. You will enjoy inspirational talks and a friendly atmosphere designed to help attendees learn from each other, meet interesting people, and generally have a stimulating experience. Taking place this year in the beautiful Seattle neighborhood and including multiple diverse tracks, the conference will appeal to anyone from C++ novices to experts.”

I look forward to seeing many of you there again this fall to enjoy and benefit from the intensive community interaction that’s only available in person. But if you can’t make it this year, you can count on the professionally-recorded and -captioned videos being available again for free, within a few weeks after the conference, and accessible to as many people as we possibly can reach including the hearing-impaired and non-native English speakers.

On behalf of the Standard C++ Foundation, thank you again to everyone for your support for the C++ community and CppCon.

Call for Proposals for CppCon 2018 Classes

The conference is asking for instructors to submit proposals for pre- and post-conferences classes to be taught in conjunction with next September’s CppCon 2018.

If you are interested in teaching such a class, please contact us at and we’ll send you an instructors’ prospectus and address any questions that you might have. The deadline for submitting proposals is December 22nd, 2017.

Thanks / 2018 Dates / 2017 Trip Reports

Save the date for the week of September 23th next year in Bellevue, Washington. Building on the success of this year’s pre and post-conference classes, we will be offering classes on September 22nd-23rd and 29th-30th. The CppCon 2018 Registration Reception will be on the 23rd and sessions will be the 24th though the 28th.

In the meantime, look for slides and source code for your favorite CppCon 2017 sessions at our presentation material repository.

You can find the posters that were entered in the CppCon 2017 Poster Competition in the poster repository.

You can also watch CppCon 2017 session videos on YouTube and Channel 9. Some of them are already available on the CppCon YouTube channel in the CppCon 2017 playlist.

I want to say thanks very much to all the hundreds of people that made CppCon 2017 possible and, in particular, I want to thank those that have published trip reports:

A Beginner’s Guide to CPPCon 2017 by Eva Bunny Conti

CppCon 2017 Trip Report by Charles L. Wilcox

CppCon 2017 Trip Report by Ben Deane

CppCon 2017 by Oliver Smith

CppCon 2017 Trip Report by Matt Godbolt

CppCon 2017 trip report by Viktor Kirilov

CppCon 2017 Trip Report by Isabella Muerte

My CppCon 2017 Trip Report – 10 great talks to watch and learn from by Quentin Duval

A CppCon 2017 trip report by Jens Weller

CppCon 2017 For Fun and Profit by Tim van Deurzen

Trip report: the JetBrains C++ team at CppCon 2017 by Anastasia Kazakova

Trip Report: CppCon 2017 by Chloe Jandsten

CppCon 2017 trip report by Mathieu Ropert

CppCon’17 Trip Report by Pan Deng

CppCon 2017: trip report by Giuseppe D’Angelo

CppCon 2017 Trip Report by Gordon Brown

And day-by-day dispatches from Sergey ‘No Bugs’ Hare Ignatchenko:

#CPPCON2017 Day 0: IMO best posters

#CPPCON2017. Day 1. Hope to get something-better-than-chevron-hell

#CPPCON2017. Day 2. Why Local Allocators are a Good Thing(tm) Performance-Wise, and Why I am Very Cautious about C++17 STL parallelized algos

#CPPCON2017. Day 3. The Future of C++

#CPPCON2017. Day 4. Async Rulezzz!

If you know of any trip reports I’ve missed, please let me know.

look forward to seeing you in Bellevue next September.

Plenary Announced: Matt Godbolt

Matt Godbolt‘s closing plenary is entitled, What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler’s Lid The abstract gives a history of the project that has made Godbolt a verb:

Matt GodboltIn 2012, Matt and a colleague were arguing whether it was efficient to use the then-new-fangled range for. During the discussion a bash script was written to quickly compile C++ source and dump the assembly. Five years later and that script has grown into a website relied on by many to quickly see the code their compiler emits, to compare different compilers’ code generation and behaviour, to quickly prototype and share code, and investigate the effect of optimization flags.

In this talk Matt will not only show you how easy (and fun!) it is to understand the assembly code generated by your compiler, but also how important it can be. He’ll explain how he uses Compiler Explorer in his day job programming low-latency trading systems, and show some real-world examples. He’ll demystify assembly code and give you the tools to understand and appreciate how hard your compiler works for you.

He’ll also talk a little about how Compiler Explorer works behind the scenes, how it is maintained and deployed, and  share some stories about how it has changed over the years. By the end of this session you’ll be itching to take your favourite code snippets and start exploring what your compiler does with them.

If you’d like to thank Matt in person for Compiler Explorer, there is still time to register (but not much).

Plenary Announced: Lars Knoll

Lars Knoll

Lars Knoll‘s plenary is entitled, Qt as a C++ Framework: History, Present State and Future.

This address is a good overview for those that are new to Qt and offers a look into the future for those that are using Qt now. From the abstract:

Qt is one of the largest and most widely used C++ frameworks. It is fully cross-platform, covering all functionality required to develop advanced graphical applications. The talk will go through important parts of Qt’s history from it’s roots to what it is today. We will have a look into the relation between Qt and C++, some of the design philosophies driving the evolution of Qt. I’ll go through the current state of the frameworks, latest releases, ongoing development focus, and give an outlook into the future.

This is a valuable opportunity to get an insider’s understanding of one of the most successful frameworks in C++.

Plenary Announced: Herb Sutter

Herb SutterHerb Sutter‘s plenary is entitled, Meta: Thoughts on generative C++. As he tells us:

Two years ago, I started to focus on exploring ways that we might evolve the C++ language itself to make C++ programming both more powerful and simpler. The only way to accomplish both of those goals at the same time is by adding abstractions that let programmers directly express their intent—to elevate comments and documentation to testable code, and elevate coding patterns and idioms into compiler-checkable declarations. The work came up with several potential candidate features where judiciously adding some power to the language could simplify code dramatically, while staying true to C++’s core values of efficient abstraction, closeness to hardware, and the zero-overhead principle. 

The first two potential candidate features from that work to be further developed and proposed for ISO C++ are the <=> unified comparison operator (minor) and what I’ve provisionally called “metaclasses” as a way to generatively write C++ types (major). This talk is about the latter, and includes design motivation, current progress, and some live online compiler demos using the prototype Clang-based compiler built by Andrew Sutton and hosted at

This presentation is an expansion of the Thoughts on Metaclasses session, presented at ACCU this past April. Due to the overwhelming positive response the presentation generated, Herb will expand the scope and focus on the implications of Metaclasses that it will bring to future progress of the C++ language. The concept is a groundbreaking change in C++ development and is a session not to be missed.