We set an attendance record again this year, but the number of C++ programmers that can’t make it will always exceed the number that can. That is why we have committed to producing high quality recordings of the CppCon regular program and distributing them as widely as possible.
To achieve this, we work with Bash Films (www.BashFilms.com). Their commitment to us is to have all our videos edited and uploaded to the CppCon YouTube channel within one month of the end of the conference.
I wanted to share some stats with you on Bash Films’ work for this year:
- 7653 minutes of video recorded

- 7513 minutes of slides recorded
- 111 presentations recorded
- 31 lightning talks recorded
- 47 different SSD cards used
- 36 TB of storage used
- 8 camera operators onsite
- 0 presentations lost or damaged
This works out to about two sessions a week for every week between now and the 2017 conference.
There is one more stat:
- 2 weeks to get all the videos edited and uploaded!
That’s correct, Mark Bashian’s team has completed all the videos in two weeks! They over-delivered on their one month commitment by over two weeks so that attendees could catch all the sessions that they missed as soon as possible.
The only thing left for the team to do is to send the videos (on hard drive) to Channel 9, because we continue to make all our content available on both YouTube and Channel 9.