Instructor Interview: Anthony Williams / More Concurrent Thinking in C++: Beyond the Basics

Kevin Carpenter interviews Anthony Williams about his extensive experience in concurrent programming in C++ and his upcoming CppCon Academy class, More Concurrent Thinking in C++: Beyond the Basics being taught in person in Aurora, Colorado immediately prior to the conference.

A developer and trainer with over 20 years of experience, Anthony Williams is also the author of C++ Concurrency In Action: Practical Multithreading.  He helped author and coauthor various papers on threading for the C++ Standards Committee that led to the inclusion of threads library in the C++ 11 Standard.

During their discussion Anthony explains where he gained much of his experience and interest in concurrency.  He also talks about where it all started for him with Pthread, working with Boost::Threads and how that lead to the development of his book and extended into his course which has been improved year after year.


You can still register for this class and for CppCon.

Instructor Interview: Patrice Roy / Thinking Small

In this instructor interview, Kevin Carpenter welcomes Patrice Roy.  Together they discuss his CppCon Academy class Thinking Small including some of the cross over from his other class Managing Memory.  Patrice will be teaching this pre-conference class onsite in Aurora, Colorado.

Patrice has been working with C++ for over 30 years.  Part of that time was spent working on military flight simulators and he has been teaching computer science since 1998.  His passion for the language, technology and his teaching ability is why he is sought after by top gaming companies to learn the same techniques he teaches in these classes.

Kevin and Patrice talk about the size from different angles.  Including the starting size of binaries, to the different ways data is represented and the tools built into the language itself that are used reach the class goals.  They also cover the similarities to Patrice’s other class Managing Memory and how someone who was considering that class would still get value from Thinking Small.

You can still register for this class and for CppCon.

CppCon 2022 Keynote: How C++23 Changes the Way We Write Code by Timur Doumler Live, In Person

We’re happy to announce: Timur Doumler will be in Aurora live, in person to deliver key insights on C++23 best practices.

Timur DoumlerHere is the abstract for Timur’s talk:

C++20 was a huge release: coroutines, concepts, ranges, and modules profoundly changed the way we write code and think about C++. In comparison, C++23 is a lot smaller in scope: its primary mission is to complete C++20, to fill holes, and to fix issues. Nevertheless, some great new features made the cut this time around, both in the standard library and in the core language. This is even more remarkable considering that the entire feature design phase of C++23 took place during the COVID-19 pandemic, challenging the ISO C++ committee to completely reinvent how we work together.

This is not a firehose talk about C++23 that tries to cram as many additions and improvements as possible into one hour. Instead, we deliberately focus on just a handful of new features that are going to noticeably change and improve the experience of the everyday C++ programmer. We will talk about how `std::expected` improves error handling, the huge impact that `std::mdspan` will have on scientific computing, how deducing `this` greatly simplifies longstanding C++ idioms such as CRTP, and how `std::print` will forever change how we write “Hello, World”.

Timur is the Developer Advocate for C++ tools at JetBrains and an active member of the ISO C++ standard committee. As a developer, he worked many years in the audio and music technology industry and co-founded the music tech startup Cradle. Timur is passionate about building inclusive communities, clean code, good tools, low latency, and the evolution of the C++ language.

Registration is now open. Tickets are now available for both online attendees and in-person attendees.

Register today!

CppCon 2022 Online Keynote: Principia Mathematica by Lisa Lippincott Live, In Person

Lisa Lippincott will be online for a talk that takes its title from Bertrand Russell’s and Alfred North Whitehead’s logicist tour de force, Principia Mathematica.

Lisa LippincottHere is the abstract for her talk:

The C++ integral arithmetic operations present a challenge in formal interface design. Their preconditions are nontrivial, their postconditions are exacting, and they are deeply interconnected by mathematical theorems. I will address this challenge, presenting interfaces, theorems, and proofs in a lightly extended C++.

This talk takes its title from Bertrand Russell’s and Alfred North Whitehead’s logicist tour de force, Principia Mathematica. It echoes that work in developing arithmetic from first principles, but starts from procedural first principles: stability of objects, substitutability of values, and repeatability of operations.

In sum, this talk is one part formal interface design, one part tour of C++ integral arithmetic, one part foundations of arithmetic, and one part writing mathematical proofs procedurally.

Lisa Lippincott designed the software architectures of Tanium and BigFix, two systems for managing large fleets of computers. She is chair of the numerics study group of the C++ standardization committee.

Registration is now open. Tickets are now available for both online attendees and in-person attendees. Register today!

Instructor Interview: Fedor Pikus / Performance and Efficiency in C++

In this instructor interview, Kevin Carpenter welcomes Fedor Pikus for a discussion of his CppCon Academy classes, Performance and Efficiency in C++ for Experts, Future Experts, and Everyone Else, which will be onsite in Aurora, Colorado.

Fedor is a recognized expert on high-performance computing and C++ and he currently A Chief Engineering Scientist in the Design to Silicon division of Mentor Graphics Corp.

Kevin and Fedor discuss his background as developer and as a presenter at CppCon. They also talk about the history of this class, which is based in large part on material from Fedor’s book, The Art of Writing Efficient Programs and how he adapts in during the class to the needs of attendees.

You can still register for this class and for CppCon.

Instructor Interview: Klaus Iglberger / Modern C++ Design Patterns

In this instructor interview, Kevin Carpenter welcomes Dr. Klaus Iglberger for a discussion of his CppCon Academy class, Modern C++ Design Patterns, which will be onsite in Aurora, Colorado.

Klaus is an international C++ trainer, initiator and lead designer of the Blaze C++ math library, the organizer of the Munich C++ user group, and creator and co-chair our own Software Design Track.

Klaus and Kevin discuss how this class has evolved in the years since Kevin attended it. The class has been updated to cover new C++20 features, but the emphasis is on structure and dependencies rather than features.

Klaus also announces his new book book which can be used as a reference for this class.

In addition to this class, Klaus will be doing two Main Program sessions: Breaking Dependencies: The Visitor Design Pattern in the Software Design Track and Back to Basics: Value Semantics in the Back to Basics Track.

You can still register for this class and for CppCon.

CppCon 2022 Program Announced

The Main Program for CppCon 2022 is now live!

This year, CppCon is a hybrid format, so we are presenting four tracks for onsite attendees and five tracks for online attendees.

Online attendees will be able to participate in onsite sessions via “simul-cast” for most sessions. (Online attendees with On-Demand Session Access will have the ability to view recorded versions of all sessions–onsite and online–shortly after they happen.)

We’ll have over seventy breakout sessions delivered onsite and fifty additional remote sessions by the best C++ presenters in the industry, many returning from previous years as well as some exciting new voices, some of whom are able to present only because we are offering a remote presenting possibility. In addition, we’ll present our traditional onsite plenary session every day and an online opening keynote. We’ve already announced our onsite Opening Keynote and three other plenary talks and will be announcing our other two headline talks here in coming days.

This year’s Main Program features five special tracks including the Back to Basics Track, the Embedded Track, the Software Design Track, and the band new Scientific Computing Track and Tooling Track.

In addition to the Main Program, we’ll have the panels, lightning talks, Open Content talks, BOFs, exhibitors, social events, and classes that attendees have enjoyed in past years.

Most of the program is published, but we are still working a few surprises, so keep checking back.

We’d like to thank the Program Committee, our speakers, and the many professionals who proposed talks which we, unfortunately, just couldn’t squeeze in this year. Thank you for your hard work and enthusiastic support for this year’s program!

We hope to see you all in less than a month so register now.

CppCon 2022 Call For Proposals Diversity Dinner

We’re happy to announce the Call For Proposals for our Diversity Dinner Event at CppCon 2022!

This year, CppCon’s Diversity Dinner, which will be held on-site at the Gaylord Rockies in Aurora on Wednesday, September 14th, will be expanded to include a workshop to discuss processes, experiences, and paths forward for improving diversity and inclusion in the C++ community. We are planning a series of 10-minute mini-talks, and we would like you to present at the event! Please submit your mini-talk proposal here by 28 August 2022. You will be notified about the acceptance decision soon afterwards.

The 10-minute mini-talks should be relevant to our audience. While any proposals on the topic of diversity and inclusion in the C++ community are welcome, this year we would like to focus particularly on the empowerment of our attendees. For example, great topics would be anything from “What did I learn from my experience as a deaf software developer” to “How to negotiate to get a 30% raise” or “What’s the best way to get everyone’s input in a diverse team”. Feel free to share your experience, thoughts, and tips!

Whether you’d like to be a presenter, or just attend the Diversity Dinner, listen, and participate in the discussion, please make sure you register for CppCon and book your ticket for the Diversity Dinner.

We look forward to seeing many of you there!

CppCon 2022 Diversity & Attendance Support Ticket program

Again this year, CppCon is running a Diversity & Attendance Support Ticket program. These free tickets are for people who would not be able to attend otherwise. This is an open program, but reasons to apply may include financial assistance, that you are part of an underrepresented group in tech, and others.

In order to apply for this program, please fill in the application form here. The application deadline is August 21, 2022. 10 on-site and 20 on-line support tickets will be selected from all applications. Decisions will be sent by August 28.

We look forward to seeing many of you on-site and on-line again this year at CppCon 2022!

CppCon YouTube Channel 100K Milestone

Presented to CppCon For passing 100,000 subscribersYouTube recently recognized the CppCon YouTube channel for reaching the one hundred thousand subscriber milestone with a plaque commemorating that achievement.

The CppCon YouTube channel currently has over 1250 videos of the top C++ presenters on the topics of most interest to C++ developers.

The channel has over 115K subscribers, over 20 million views, and over four million hours of watched content in its lifetime. It is currently getting over nine thousand views a day.

Channel subscribers can be notified of new postings and see conference announcements of opportunities and deadlines. You can subscribe on the CppCon YouTube channel.

Register for CppCon 2022 to see sessions live.