CppCon 2024 Code of Conduct Transparency Report

The following summary is intended to help the community understand what kind of Code of Conduct (CoC) incidents we received reports about in the year since the previous conference, and how the CppCon CoC team and organizers responded.


Again at CppCon 2024, staff and volunteers participated in CoC training prior to the conference.

The Code of Conduct team for CppCon 2024 was Colleen Passard (chair), Gillian Faith, and Jacqueline McCauley. Colleen Passard additionally served as on-site Ombudsperson.

The code of conduct for CppCon 2024 was published here, inclusive of commits up to and including 4c03199ab226e86f31977bad51c2f6c5aa9b5e89.

Summary of reports

Since the CppCon 2023 transparency report and during CppCon 2024, there were no CoC incidents reported to the CoC team.

Beyond the CoC: The Ombuds role

Starting at CppCon 2023, CppCon has an Ombudsperson role to provide support beyond cases involving potential CoC incidents. The Ombuds is an independent consultant who is professionally trained in well-being support, conflict resolution, and team dynamics that attendees may seek guidance on, and she is available on-site all week in a designated office. All attendees are welcome to approach the Ombuds for any questions, concerns, and/or confidential support.

During CppCon 2024, throughout the conference week several attendees took advantage of the Ombuds’ availability for personal and emotional support questions where the Ombuds was able to provide guidance and support, and for two cases of interpersonal frictions that the involved parties did not consider to be CoC incidents but where the Ombuds was able to provide assistance to facilitate dialogue or resolution.

Note that the Ombuds role extends beyond, but never replaces, the CoC process. Attendees are fully informed of the option to raise a CoC incident report, encouraged to engage in the reporting process when needed, and supported by both the Ombuds and the CoC team throughout.