Social Media

As an attendee of CppCon, we encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences on, and photos of, the conference, content, attendees, and venue on social media. This writeup is intended to help you do that.

Sharing on Twitter

Sharing on Facebook

  • Visit and like our official Facebook page.
  • Use hashtag #CppCon for sharing your pictures and texts.
  • You may add visitor posts / photos directly to the official page
  • If you’d like to share your photos into the official Facebook album, please let our social media team know about it. We will use some of your #CppCon Facebook pics for the album. You can also share pics via Dropbox / Google Drive / Hightail

Code of Conduct

Please be aware our Code of Conduct applies to all social media content.

We appreciate your valuable time and enthusiasm which “trends” us on social media. Let’s be professional in all our social media sharing so that the conference is seen as professional as well as fun and educational.

If you have any questions, please contact our social media team.