CppCon 2023 Call for Submissions – Embedded Track

CppCon has put out its call for submissions and the Embedded Track wants you to contribute! Whether your project is a multi-year effort for a large team or a hobby project you built at home for an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, there are thousands of developers out there struggling with the same kinds of issues that you’ve faced. Your experience and insights can provide a powerful learning experience and help them overcome those issues.

The Embedded Track has seen a wide variety of talks over the years, and we’d love to hear your contributions. Here are some examples of possible topics:

  • What challenges you’ve faced using C++ in an embedded environment.
  • What you learned from applying a new feature from C++17/20/23 in an embedded environment
    for the first time.
  • Case studies and performance analyses showing how to get the most out of C++.
  • How you adapted a design or technique to work within the constraints of your project.
  • What you wish someone had told you before you started developing for embedded systems.
  • That interesting new component or library that you developed for an embedded system.

A major goal of CppCon’s Embedded Track is to help connect embedded developers to the broader C++ community and vice versa. We think that both groups have a lot to learn from the other.

For talk topic ideas, possible formats, submission instructions, and valuable advice on how to make the best possible submission, see the Submissions page. You can also reach out to the organizers of the Embedded Track to ask questions or discuss ideas for submissions.

Ben Saks

Embedded Track chair