What is Tool Time?
It’s similar to what some other events might call labs. It’s a chance for people to come and chat directly with people who maintain, or otherwise represent, software or hardware tools that we use. The tools can be applications, but they might also be frameworks and libraries, if they are of broad enough appeal.
Who Can Run A Tool Time Lab?
Anyone that is passionate about a tool for software development and is sufficiently fluent with it that they can help others and answer questions. You could be an employee of a company that sells a tool, or the maintainer of an open source project – or even just a superuser. We want to level the playing field, so this won’t just be dominated by vendors promoting their commercial applications – although they are welcome, too.
What do Tool Time Technicians get?
We’ll be in the Social Hall, so they be plenty of room. In that room you’ll be given a table with enough space around it that a small group can gather comfortably. You can set up a laptop or two on the table and can have one or two people there to represent the tool. We’ll have signs to identify which tools are at which tables.
When is Tool Time?
Tool Time will be on Tuesday, September 15th, from 20:30. It will run for approximately 60-90 minutes, depending on interest.
How is this different to being an exhibitor?
Exhibitors, many of whom will be at the conference to promote their own tools, already have tables where people can go to ask questions, see demos, etc. There is certainly some overlap, and such exhibitors may also participate in Tool Time if they would like. But we want to extend this platform to non-sponsors, and non-commercial entities, too. We will not have large TV screens, roll-ups or other branded displays – so everyone will have the same opportunities to be on show.
Where do I find out more?
If you have any other questions, please send mail to Tool Time Enquiries
Where do I sign up?
We are not holding a Tool Time session in 2021.