Cougar Mountain Zoo Field Trip

Spend a gorgeous Sunday afternoon on September 23rd, with other CppCon attendees, at Cougar Mountain Zoo. The zoo is filled with wild and exotic animals and is located in the mountains near the friendly and historic city of Issaquah.

About the zoo

Established in 1972, the Zoo is nestled on the north facing slope of Cougar Mountain with a breathtaking view of the Cascade Mountain range and Lake Sammamish.

The zoo is primarily focused on endangered species and education. Many of the animals have been born or raised in-house and have a self assured attitude around humans, enabling visitors to take deep glimpse into the beauty and mysteries of these beautiful creatures.

parrot at Cougar Mountain ZooField trip description

The field trip includes a guided tour, lunch, and free exploring the zoo. The guided tour, which last for about 60 minutes, is designed to introduce the group to the immense beauty and mysteries of the Earth’s vanishing wildlife. During the tour, you will experience different habitats which brings a unique encounter with the animals. One of these encounters includes a visit to the Tigers in the Tiger Tunnel.

Trip details

Busses will leave from the Meydenbauer Center at 12:15. Return time is 17:00.

The field trip costs $95. This includes round-trip transportation, admission, guided tour, lunch, and a souvenir.

Participants will receive further details by email.

Not to be missed

Read some reviews from TripAdvisor.


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