CppCon Academy 2024

For 2024, CppCon Academy will offer some classes that are onsite-only and some classes that are online-only. There will be no mixed onsite-and-online classes.

For individuals whose organization requires it, a certificate of completion is available for classes attended. For information contact the conference registrar.

Class registration and conference registration are separate. Attendees can register for either one or both. Class sizes are limited and may sell out.

Onsite Classes

Class attendeesOnsite classes will be held at the Gaylord Rockies, the weekend immediately before the conference (September 14-15, pre-conference) or the weekend immediately after the conference (September 21-22, post-conference). Classes are from 09:00 to 17:00 Aurora time (MDT) with breaks and lunch included.

Online Classes

Online classes will have hours and breaks as arranged by the individual instructors, but in general will be held from 09:00 to 15:00 Aurora time (MDT). Due to the shorter number of hours per day, online classes will be held across three days instead of two. Pre-conference online classes will be held on the last three business days (W-F) the week before the conference (September 11-13). Post-conference classes will be held on the first three business days (M-W) the week following the conference(September 23-25).

Privacy Notice

In order to facilitate communications preparing students for class sessions, we share class attendee email addresses with instructors (and vice versa). By default we use the email address that you use for registration. If you’d like to use a different email address for the class than what you use for registration, please note that in the appropriate field during registration.

A Topical Guide to Classes

We are offering quite a spectrum of options for C++ engineers.

Language Updates: If you are interested specifically in learning about C++ language details, new language and library features, and how to use them, we offer:

Better Code: If you are updating your skills in general or specifically, we offer:

Design: If you are interested in:

Concurrency: If you are interested in concurrency, we offer:

Demanding Environments: If you are interested in low latency, high-performance, we offer:

A Guide to Classes by Venue and Schedule

Online classes

Pre-conference online class

Post-conference online class

Onsite classes

Post-conference onsite classes

Class Instructor Days/Hrs Pre CppCon Post
      Online Onsite M-F Onsite Online
Advanced Modern C++ Programming: The Tricky Parts Nicolai Josuttis 2/8   Sat/Sun (14-15)      

C++ Software Design

Klaus Iglberger 2/8   Sat/Sun (14-15)      
C++ Templates for Developers Walter E. Brown 2/8   Sat/Sun (14-15)      
C++20 in Practice: A Complete Introduction Nicolai Josuttis 2/8        
Mon/Tues (23-24)
High-performance Concurrency in C++ Fedor Pikus         Sat/Sun (21-22)  
Modern C++: When Efficiency Matters
Andreas Fertig 2/8       Sat/Sun (21-22)  
Optimizing with Modern C++
Patrice Roy 2/8   Sat/Sun (14-15)      
Performance and Efficiency in C++ for Experts, Future Experts, and Everyone Else Fedor Pikus 2/8   Sat/Sun (14-15)      
Structured Concurrency Mateusz Pusz 2/8   Sat/Sun (14-15)      
System Architecture And Design Using Modern C++ Charley Bay 3/6 Wed-Fri (11-13)        


Register for classes here.
