CppCon 2024 – Call for Submissions

CppCon is the annual, week-long (September 15th-20th, 2024) face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference Main Program consists of five days of several concurrent tracks of sixty-minute sessions.

This conference is organized by the C++ Community for the C++ Community. We want the whole community to be represented. We especially encourage those who identify as coming from an underrepresented community to apply to present and to be present. Presenting a talk is not limited to previous presenters or previous attendees and first-time speakers are very welcome to submit.

This year’s edition of CppCon will be onsite at the Gaylord Rockies in Aurora, Colorado, USA.

Have you learned something interesting about C++, maybe a new technique possible in C++17/20/23? Or perhaps you have implemented something cool, maybe a new C++ library? Or perhaps have an idea for a future language or library feature that you want to advocate for? If so, consider sharing it with other C++ enthusiasts by giving a Main Program talk at CppCon 2024.

While CppCon is a conference about C++, talks about other programming languages are in scope for CppCon 2024 as long as they are of interest to C++ developers and tied to C++ evolution and are not primarily talks about rewriting entire C++ codebases in something other than C++. For example, a talk on How to migrate your C++ code to Haskell is off-topic and will not be considered, but a talk on What C++ Programmers Can Learn from Swift, or What Rust Procedural Macros Might Look Like in C++, or Results of Hylo/Carbon/Circle Experiments That Could Be Incorporated Into ISO C++ Evolution are on-topic and will be considered.

The submission deadline is May 19th, with decisions sent by June 23st.

To facilitate a double-blind review process, please avoid statements in your title, abstract, and outline that remove all uncertainty about who you are. See examples on the Submissions page.

We plan to have all of the same tracks as last year (Back to Basics, Software Design, Tooling, Embedded, Robotics, and Scientific Computing). In addition, we are introducing a new GameDev track this year. If you plan to submit to one or more of these tracks, please indicate in your submission which track(s) you’d expect your talk to fit into by ticking the appropriate checkbox. Of course, you are also welcome to submit a talk to the general program that does not fit into any of these tracks. If you have new ideas for tracks or special interest areas to better serve the C++ community, please get in touch with the program committee directly with your thoughts.

For talk topic ideas, possible formats, submission instructions and valuable advice on how to make the best possible submission, see the Submissions page.

Also, if you are an author, our Call for Authors for CppCon 2024 has already been posted here. This is a great opportunity to bring more attention to your book and interact with the C++ community.

Note: Calls for Lightning Talks and Open Content sessions will be made later this summer. The deadline for these is the conference itself.

CppCon 2024 – Call for Authors

Book SIgningCppCon represents an unparalleled opportunity for C++ authors to engage with potential reviewers and readers.

For authors that are able to attend in person, the conference will schedule signing opportunities and panels with other authors. Authors can submit session proposals for the Main Program and/or Open Content sessions.

Book SigningEven for authors that cannot attend in person, the conference is an opportunity for exposure by working with authors to have their hard copy books available for sale at the conference and/or having special attendee discounts for ebook editions.

To register your interest in learning more about author opportunities at CppCon, please fill out the CppCon 2024 Call for Authors form.

Early Video Access Price Reduction and Bundle Offer!

CppCon’s Early Video Access promotion has allowed early subscribers to access all CppCon 2023 videos for almost three months.

We publish one new video every business day (and will continue to do so until this spring when all of our CppCon 2023 content is published), so many of the CppCon 2023 videos are now also freely available on our YouTube channel. Since there are fewer unpublished videos we are reducing the Early Video Access price by 50%!

Rainer GrimmNot only are we reducing the price to $74, we are also partnering with Rainer Grimm in supporting his fundraising for ALS. Rainer Grimm is a long time CppCon attendee, instructor, and speaker who is fundraising for ALS.

We are including his popular Modern C++ Collection bundle, a $70 value (which Rainer is offering to the conference for $35 for ALS fundraising), in all Early Video Access subscriptions!

This offer is retroactive, so if you’ve already purchased the Early Video Access, we will be reaching out to send you your copy of the Modern C++ Collection bundle.

TL;DR: For $74 you are getting:

  • $75 worth of high-quality C++ ebooks
  • Early access to unpublished CppCon 2023 videos
  • An opportunity to support ALS research


Call for Proposals for CppCon Academy 2024 Classes

CppCon Academy is asking for instructors to submit proposals for pre- and post-conference classes and/or workshops to be taught in conjunction with this fall’s CppCon 2024.

The Academy is interested in proposals for either onsite classes or online classes.

If you are interested in teaching a class or workshop, please review the instructors’ prospectus and/or contact jon@cppcon.org with any questions that you might have. The deadline for submitting proposals is March 4, 2024.

CppCon 2023 Video Announcements

Stroustrup Keynote CppCon 2023

Publishing CppCon 2023 Videos

Starting today, with Bjarne Stroustrup’s Opening Keynote, we will begin publishing CppCon 2023 videos.

(Almost*) all of the CppCon 2023 videos are edited and uploaded to the CppCon YouTube channel. Starting with full length videos and continuing with lightning talks, we’ll publish one video per business day until sometime in May, when they will all be freely available to the public.


CppCon YouTube ChannelDo you want to see the CppCon 2023 Main Program videos now?

If you are eager to have access to all of the content as soon as possible, even the videos that we’ve not yet published to our YouTube Channel, we are making that possible with our Early Video Access option.

This option allows you to view all of the 2023 videos before they are published to YouTube. Since (almost*) all the video are edited and uploaded, this is your chance to see (almost*) all of the CppCon 2023 video content right now.

* Lightning Talks and two or three full length sessions are still getting some last-minute updates.


New Video Archive Portal

The Early Video Access option leverages our new Video Archive portal.

We are introducing this new portal as an alternative way to view our YouTube Channel content with better searching options. The portal currently has content since CppCon 2020, but will be built out further with content from 2023 and previous years. In addition to finding CppCon 2023 content here as soon as it is published to our YouTube Channel, all of the CppCon 2023 plenary videos are available now.

A link to the CppCon Video Archive portal is in the “program” menu. Try it out now!

We believe that over time viewers will find this a better way to find and view C++ videos and we’ll continue to add content and features.

CppCon Video Archive Portal

CppCon 2023 Code of Conduct Transparency Report

The following summary is intended to help the community understand what kind of Code of Conduct (CoC) incidents we received reports about in the year since the previous conference, and how the CppCon CoC team and organizers responded.


Again at CppCon 2023, staff and volunteers participated in CoC training prior to the conference.

The Code of Conduct team for CppCon 2023 was Colleen Passard (chair), Gillian Faith, and Jacqueline McCauley. Colleen Passard additionally served as on-site Ombudsperson. 

The code of conduct for CppCon 2023 was published here, inclusive of commits up to and including 8a19fad9f158007663317c3945de20c0d5ab1b64.

Summary of reports at CppCon

At CppCon 2023, two incidents were brought to the attention of the CoC team:

(1) An attendee reported a Code of Conduct (CoC) violation by a conference speaker. The reporter made a request through the onsite Ombudsperson, that the reported party not approach for the remainder of the conference or in the future, to which the reported party agreed and complied.

During the investigative process, the reported party took full responsibility for non-professional conduct and boundary-violating behaviors and offered an apology which was communicated to the reporter by the Ombudsperson. The reporter accepted the apology but expressed a lack of trust and reiterated the request for the reported party not to approach at the conference or in the future. 

The CoC team has implemented a proactive measure: The team will be notified if the reported party is registered for a future CppCon conference or event. The reported party is required and has agreed not to approach the reporter at any CppCon conference or event ever again, as non-compliance will result in immediate consequences.

(2) A Code of Conduct complaint was received regarding a metaphor in a keynote that was perceived by an attendee as sexist. Upon review of the keynote and in concurrence with other audience members the CoC team has determined that the metaphor used was benign, and no further action is required.  

Other reports regarding past/other conferences

Between CppCon 2022 and 2023, there were two other reports to the CoC team.

(3) A reporter who does not currently attend CppCon reported that another person had sexually harassed the reporter in the past elsewhere (not at CppCon), and was concerned whether the reported person should be excluded from CppCon under the CppCon safety policy.

  • The CoC team replied that because the reported person had not attended CppCon for years, and would not be attending this year, this did not currently fall under their jurisdiction. The CoC team thanked the reporter and informed them that the information would be considered if the reported person attempted to attend CppCon in the future.

(4) A person reported that a CppCon 2022 speaker made comments on social media favoring one side in an active war. The comments were not made during CppCon and were not related to CppCon.

  • The CoC team replied that because the report was about behavior unrelated to CppCon, this did not fall under their jurisdiction. They confirmed that the CoC applies also to speakers, and that speakers are reminded of that each year before the conference. The CoC team directed that a sentence be added to the CoC emphasizing that the CoC applies to speakers, and applies to electronic communications related to the conference. This was done here.

CppCon 2023 Wrap-up and CppCon 2024 Dates!

The above photo is from CppCon 2023 by CppCon’s photographer, Jonathan Phillips. Not only do I want to share this brilliant photo, I also want to announce CppCon 2024 dates, September 15 – 20 2024, save the dates now!

CppCon 2023 just wrapped up and was an amazing conference. For an early preview of what happened, see Bjarne’s keynote, Bret and Bill’s keynote, Laura’s keynote, Herb’s keynote, and Andrei’s keynote.

Videos of all our other Main Program sessions will start to be published on our YouTube channel, one a business day, starting in November. If you want access to CppCon 2023 videos as soon as they are available, then have we got something in store for you! Check out our new Early Video Access option.

Trip Reports

I’ll update this post as more trip reports are published. If you’d like your trip report to be included, please send it.


A conference the size of CppCon doesn’t just happen. There are a lot of heroes that work hard to make this happen. You’ll find many of their names on our staff page which lists the organizers, program committee, volunteers, and vendors.

You’d find more names (and faces) on the presenters page for this year’s conference which lists presenters from the Main Program, panels, Open Content sessions, and lightning talks.

As much as all of these people work hard so that we are providing the best that we can in technical content, food, production values, live music, comfortable ambiance, and supportive environment, none of those is the most important part of CppCon.

Returning attendees know that the most important part of CppCon is the opportunity to engage with the attendees (including the presenters), who are tackling some of our most challenging problems, with creative and innovative techniques, using powerful tools provided by C++ and the C++ community.

CppCon 2023 Attendees

Over 700 People Passionate About C++ and Excited to be at CppCon

Above, you’ll see the faces of the most important part of CppCon, the attendees. (I’ve not matched faces to the registration list to verify that no one is missing, but I think most of us are in the photo.)

This year, more than any other, you are all my heroes.

I look forward to seeing you all next year.

Jon Kalb
Conference Chair

2023 Keynote on Generative AI for C++: Andrei Alexandrescu, prerelease

Andrei Alexandrescu on Generative AI for C++ at his CppCon 2023 keynote in Aurora, Colorado!

This video is in “prerelease” and cannot be found directly on our YouTube channel, instead we are providing a direct link here only! Feel free to share this with colleagues and friends and impress them with your insider access 😉