CppCon 2024 – Call for Submissions

CppCon is the annual, week-long (September 15th-20th, 2024) face-to-face gathering for the entire C++ community. The conference Main Program consists of five days of several concurrent tracks of sixty-minute sessions.

This conference is organized by the C++ Community for the C++ Community. We want the whole community to be represented. We especially encourage those who identify as coming from an underrepresented community to apply to present and to be present. Presenting a talk is not limited to previous presenters or previous attendees and first-time speakers are very welcome to submit.

This year’s edition of CppCon will be onsite at the Gaylord Rockies in Aurora, Colorado, USA.

Have you learned something interesting about C++, maybe a new technique possible in C++17/20/23? Or perhaps you have implemented something cool, maybe a new C++ library? Or perhaps have an idea for a future language or library feature that you want to advocate for? If so, consider sharing it with other C++ enthusiasts by giving a Main Program talk at CppCon 2024.

While CppCon is a conference about C++, talks about other programming languages are in scope for CppCon 2024 as long as they are of interest to C++ developers and tied to C++ evolution and are not primarily talks about rewriting entire C++ codebases in something other than C++. For example, a talk on How to migrate your C++ code to Haskell is off-topic and will not be considered, but a talk on What C++ Programmers Can Learn from Swift, or What Rust Procedural Macros Might Look Like in C++, or Results of Hylo/Carbon/Circle Experiments That Could Be Incorporated Into ISO C++ Evolution are on-topic and will be considered.

The submission deadline is May 19th, with decisions sent by June 23st.

To facilitate a double-blind review process, please avoid statements in your title, abstract, and outline that remove all uncertainty about who you are. See examples on the Submissions page.

We plan to have all of the same tracks as last year (Back to Basics, Software Design, Tooling, Embedded, Robotics, and Scientific Computing). In addition, we are introducing a new GameDev track this year. If you plan to submit to one or more of these tracks, please indicate in your submission which track(s) you’d expect your talk to fit into by ticking the appropriate checkbox. Of course, you are also welcome to submit a talk to the general program that does not fit into any of these tracks. If you have new ideas for tracks or special interest areas to better serve the C++ community, please get in touch with the program committee directly with your thoughts.

For talk topic ideas, possible formats, submission instructions and valuable advice on how to make the best possible submission, see the Submissions page.

Also, if you are an author, our Call for Authors for CppCon 2024 has already been posted here. This is a great opportunity to bring more attention to your book and interact with the C++ community.

Note: Calls for Lightning Talks and Open Content sessions will be made later this summer. The deadline for these is the conference itself.

CppCon 2024 – Call for Authors

Book SIgningCppCon represents an unparalleled opportunity for C++ authors to engage with potential reviewers and readers.

For authors that are able to attend in person, the conference will schedule signing opportunities and panels with other authors. Authors can submit session proposals for the Main Program and/or Open Content sessions.

Book SigningEven for authors that cannot attend in person, the conference is an opportunity for exposure by working with authors to have their hard copy books available for sale at the conference and/or having special attendee discounts for ebook editions.

To register your interest in learning more about author opportunities at CppCon, please fill out the CppCon 2024 Call for Authors form.

Call for Proposals for CppCon Academy 2024 Classes

CppCon Academy is asking for instructors to submit proposals for pre- and post-conference classes and/or workshops to be taught in conjunction with this fall’s CppCon 2024.

The Academy is interested in proposals for either onsite classes or online classes.

If you are interested in teaching a class or workshop, please review the instructors’ prospectus and/or contact jon@cppcon.org with any questions that you might have. The deadline for submitting proposals is March 4, 2024.

CppCon 2023 Diversity & Attendance Support Ticket program

Again this year, CppCon is running a Diversity & Attendance Support Ticket program. These free tickets are for people who would not be able to attend otherwise. This program is limited to conference tickets and doesn’t include support for transportation or lodging. This is an open program, but reasons to apply may include financial assistance, that you are part of an underrepresented group in tech, and others.

In order to apply for this program, please fill in the application form here. The application deadline is September 9, 2023. Decisions will be sent by September 12.

We look forward to seeing many of you again this year at CppCon 2023!

CppCon 2023 Call for Submissions – Robotics Track

The Robotics Track at CppCon unites passionate professionals from the robotics industry and the broader C++ community to create a space for networking, collaboration, and growth in this dynamic field.

By attending talks in this track, you’ll join a community committed to exploring innovative solutions, empowering meaningful connections, and fostering growth in the exciting world of robotics. Together, we can bring the power of C++ to tackle complex challenges and shape the future of robotics technology.

We invite submissions that showcase the synergy between robotics and C++ concepts. Examples include:

  • Utilizing design pattern X to enable feature Y in a robotics project.
  • Comparing the impact of functional programming style vs. object-oriented style on a use case.
  • How leveraging C++17/20 features can optimize performance or safety in robotics systems.

Topics of interest include:

  • Simulation
  • Planning
  • Machine learning
  • State estimation
  • Controls
  • Foreign function interfaces
  • API design
  • Performance
  • Safety
  • Tooling
  • Infrastructure
  • Dependency management

Remember to indicate your interest in the Robotics Track in the Comments Section of the submission form. The submission process can be found here.

Griswald Brooks

Robotics Track chair

CppCon 2023 Call for Submissions – Software Design Track

Building software is much more than just writing lines of code. Amongst other, it also entails the management of interactions, the reduction of coupling and dependencies between software entities and the creation of good and meaningful abstractions. These are the aspects focused on in the CppCon Software Design Track.

Since software design can play a much more central role for the success of a project than the low-level implementations could ever do, CppCon also desires to cover this aspect of software engineering. Therefore you are strongly encouraged to submit talks for the Software Design Track.

Topics may include:

  • Design for change, scalability, extension, and testability.
  • Design techniques for all paradigms.
  • Both static and dynamic polymorphism.
  • Design and architectural patterns.
  • Good and bad experiences from real world projects (that is, war stories).
  • Advice on how to manage big projects via proper software organization.

Klaus Iglberger and Mike Shah, Ph.D.

Software Design Track co-chairs

CppCon 2023 Call for Submissions – Scientific Computing Track

The call for submission for the Scientific Computing Track at CppCon 2023 is now open! We are looking for talks that cover a wide range of topics related to scientific computing with C++.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • New C++ features and libraries for scientific computing
  • Parallel and distributed computing techniques
  • Numerical methods and algorithms
  • Machine learning
  • Data visualization and analysis
  • Software engineering for scientific computing

Scientific computing is a critical field that is used in a wide range of applications, from weather forecasting to medical imaging. By submitting a talk to the scientific computing track, you can help to share your knowledge and expertise with the C++ community. We encourage submissions from both experienced and new speakers. If you have a talk that you think would be a good fit for the Scientific Computing Track, please submit it by June 25, 2023. Submissions should be made through the CppCon website.

Damien Lebrun-Grandie

Scientific Computing Track chair

CppCon 2023 Call for Submissions – Embedded Track

CppCon has put out its call for submissions and the Embedded Track wants you to contribute! Whether your project is a multi-year effort for a large team or a hobby project you built at home for an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, there are thousands of developers out there struggling with the same kinds of issues that you’ve faced. Your experience and insights can provide a powerful learning experience and help them overcome those issues.

The Embedded Track has seen a wide variety of talks over the years, and we’d love to hear your contributions. Here are some examples of possible topics:

  • What challenges you’ve faced using C++ in an embedded environment.
  • What you learned from applying a new feature from C++17/20/23 in an embedded environment
    for the first time.
  • Case studies and performance analyses showing how to get the most out of C++.
  • How you adapted a design or technique to work within the constraints of your project.
  • What you wish someone had told you before you started developing for embedded systems.
  • That interesting new component or library that you developed for an embedded system.

A major goal of CppCon’s Embedded Track is to help connect embedded developers to the broader C++ community and vice versa. We think that both groups have a lot to learn from the other.

For talk topic ideas, possible formats, submission instructions, and valuable advice on how to make the best possible submission, see the Submissions page. You can also reach out to the organizers of the Embedded Track to ask questions or discuss ideas for submissions.

Ben Saks

Embedded Track chair

CppCon 2023 Call for Submissions – Back to Basics Track

To become an expert at any skill, one must first master the fundamentals. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the Back to Basics (B2B) Track is calling for talks that showcase the foundational programming topics that every C++ programmer should know. CppCon has a history dating several years of Back to Basics topics that both beginners and experts can benefit from for learning and mastering C++ foundations. The visibility for these talks is high both onsite and on the CppCon YouTube channel — so we’d like you to consider submitting to this track and being part of this track’s rich history!

Submissions to this track focus on teaching and explaining the technical aspects of the C++ programming language from first principles. The talks in this track are technical, but each topic is taught from the first building blocks so the audience can follow along (and the attention to detail of a B2B talk may even benefit the experts!).

Past Topics for submission may include:

  • Debugging
  • Casting
  • Concurrency
  • Pointers
  • Arrays
  • Templates
  • Smart Pointers
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • And we also encourage repeats — because we want your unique way of teaching!

Trainers, teachers, engineers, or those with deep expertise of foundational topics (yes that’s you!) are wanted to help train the next C++ talent in the Back to Basics (B2B) Track!

Details on the submission process can be found on the Main Program Submissions page.

Mike Shah, Ph.D. and Klaus Iglberger

Back to Basics Track co-chairs

Call for Author Participation

Book SIgningCppCon represents an unparalleled opportunity for C++ authors to engage with potential reviewers and readers.

For authors that are able to attend in person, the conference will schedule signing opportunities and panels with other authors. Authors can submit session proposals for the Main Program and/or Open Content sessions.

Book SigningEven for authors that cannot attend in person, the conference is an opportunity for exposure by working with authors to have their hard copy books available for sale at the conference and/or having special attendee discounts for ebook editions.

To register your interest in learning more about author opportunities at CppCon, please fill out the CppCon 2023 Call for Authors form.