Opening Keynote: Bjarne Stroustrup, live in person

As already announced, CppCon 2021 this October will be the full normal in-person conference now that many of us can meet safely, and are just bursting with anticipation to see each other again in personā€¦ and also a coordinated online conference for those who arenā€™t yet ready to engage in person or for whom travel is difficult. The Call for Submissions is open for both in-person and online sessions, and we are planning to make much of the in-person and online content available in near-real-time to online attendeesā€¦ including the in-person keynotes, which brings us to the opening talk of the conferenceā€¦

Meeting in personCppCon 2021 will kick off on Monday, October 25 with Bjarne Stroustrup delivering the opening keynote live in person in Aurora, Colorado, USA. This is Stroustrupā€™s first in-person talk in North America since C++20 was completed, just before the pandemic lockdowns began. His talk connects C++ā€™s roots with all the things that make C++20 a historic milestone ā€“ itā€™s not only the biggest release of C++ in a decade, but also the first edition of Standard C++ ever that is ā€œD&E-complete,ā€containing all of the features (except only unified function call syntax) that Stroustrup described a quarter-century ago in The Design and Evolution of C++ as his goals for C++ā€™s future development, including concepts, coroutines, and modules which in 2021 are for the first time now available as actual realities in production C++ compilers.

CppCon 2021 is proud to be the forum for Dr. Stroustrupā€™s landmark talk, which he describes as follows:

C++20: Reaching for the Aims of C++

Out of necessity C++ has been an evolving language. I outline some early ideals for C++, some techniques for keeping the evolution directed, and show how C++20 comes close to many of those ideals. Specific topics include type-and-resource safe code, generic programming, modularity, and the elimination of the preprocessor. Naturally, over the years, C++ has acquired many ā€œbarnaclesā€ that can become obstacles to developing elegant and efficient code. That has been a recognized problem since the early days of C ā€“ Dennis Ritchie and I talked about it ā€“ so we must distinguish between what can be done and what should be done. The C++ Core Guidelines is the current best effort in that direction. The talk will start with a sequence of early design aim statements, and then match them directly to working C++20 examples and the Core Guidelines.

Registration DeskEarly Bird Registration is now open for what will certainly be one of the most memorable CppCons ever this October 24-29. Register today!

Registration is now open for both online and in-person attendees. In-person attendees will require proof of being fully vaccinated, with the goal of further opening registration as we learn more about what will be safe in October.