Practical Performance Practices [2021 class archive]

Practical Performance Practices is a two-day training course with programming examples taught by Jason Turner. It is offered onsite at the Gaylord Rockies from 09:00 to 17:00 on Saturday, October 23rd and and Sunday, October 24th, 2021 (immediately prior to the conference). Lunch is included.

Course Description

Why do you use C++?

Probably in good part because of the performance that it can offer. But how do you effectively make use of this performance advantage? And how do you identify code that needs optimizing? What happens if your performance analysis doesn’t identify any one hot spot to optimize?

And most importantly, how do Best Practices and Practical Performance Practices overlap with each other?


The student should be a regular user of C++, with questions about common performance pitfalls and an interest in increasing their overall code quality.

Course Topics

In a two day in-person workshop, we will cover:

  • Overview of how to use high level profiling tools
  • Investigation into two real-world performance issue as a class
  • Practical rules to avoid the issues that are hard to track and bleed performance from many different places
  • The intersection of Practical Performance Practices and Best Practices

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Course Instructor


Jason Turner is a regular speaker at C++ conferences, the creator of the “Learning C++ Best Practices” video series from O’Reilly and the online C++ coding standards document. As a contractor, speaker and trainer he has specialized in helping others produce high quality C++ code. Jason is also the co-host of the C++ podcast, CppCast, and the host of the YouTube video series, C++ Weekly.